Wednesday 28 August 2013

Writer of the Week

After reading lots of Hairy Maclary books by Lynley Dodd we had a go at retelling creatively in our own words or creating our own Hairy Maclary story.

One sunny day Slinky Malinky jumbled out of bed and scrambled through the door.  He raced round the garden, zoomed through the blackberry bushes, got covered in juice then ran up the tree.  Up, up, up then he got stuck!  He howled at the ground and all around that sound echoed around.  Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy was off for a walk then suddenly he heard that sound that echoed around.
"Roof, roof, roof," said Hairy Maclary as he rushed to the tree.  
Hercules Morse as big as a horse was lying under a big green tree when suddenly he heard that sound that echoed around.  
"Woof, woof, woof," said Hercules Morse as he ran to the tree.  Bottomly Potts was rolling around with his feet in the air and his tongue hanging out, when suddenly came the sound that echoed around.
"Ro, ro, ro," said Bottomly Potts as he went to the tree.
Muffin McLay was in the tub by the path when suddenly came the sound that echoed around.  Muffin Mclay was out of the tub and at the tree.
Bitzer Maloney all skinny and bony was having his lunch, his tastiest meal of all, when suddenly came the sound that echoed around.
"Wo, wo, wo," said Bitzer Maloney and then he ran to the tree.
Schnitzel von Krumm was jumping about with his tail sticking up.  He was trying to leap to the top of the fence but he kept failing when suddenly came the sound that echoed around.  He got such a fright he flew to the top of the fence, then jumped down and ran to the tree.
Soon all the dogs were barking under the tree that Slinky Maliny was in.  
Along came a girl who owned Slinky Malinky.  She ran to get her mum.  Her mum got the ladder from the rusty, dusty, shed they were going to bust.  Then Slinky Malinky burst down the ladder straight to his bed where he's safe and sound.
By Breanna

Daffodil Day

Emma and Aeryn made a daffodil because it is Daffodil Day on Friday.  Don't forget we are having a mufti day and you need to bring a gold coin donation.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Home Learning

We are learning about Geometry in Maths.  For Homework have a look and see if you can find some of the following shapes at your house:

2D shapes - circle, triangle, rectangle, square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.

3D shapes - sphere, rectangular prism, box/cube, cone and cylinder.

See if you can find any tessellations at your house.

EXTRA FOR EXPERTS - Can you draw a map showing how you get to school or write directions using left/right or North, South, East and West?

or you could use 3D shapes to make something or draw a picture using 2D shapes.

Monday 19 August 2013

Milk in Schools

Today was the first day we had 'Milk in Schools' so it was very exciting.  JP showed the class how to fold the milk cartons as he used to have milk at his old school.  Brooklyn W and Luke made a Pic Collage to show you how we fold the cartons for recycling.

Friday 16 August 2013

Making Maps in Maths

We used Pic Collage to create this wonderful picture.  
Breanna, Javae and Mrs W

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Monday 12 August 2013

Writer of the Week - Week 2

We read the story 'I Will Not Never Ever eat a Tomato' by Lauren Child and then we wrote stories about things we don't like to eat.

One night my mum called me to the table for dinner.  My eyes burst into blue flames because I saw pumpkin on my plate.  I tried to say it in my head but it was to yukky.  I put it in my mouth but it was too soft and it squiggled down my throat.  Then my mum said, 
"You can't have the ice cream until you eat some pumpkin."
When she looked away I put it in the bin, then she brought some bowls over and she said,
"Here is some ice cream."
Then I said, "I will never eat pumpkin again." 

Maths Reflection Art

First we drew a picture of our alien in our sketching book and then copied it on to paper.  We had to make sure that our pictures were the same on both sides; that they had reflection.

Next, we went over the pencil outline in black vivid.

We then coloured our pictures using pastels.

You can see our finished pictures in our individual learning blogs.

Monday 5 August 2013

Math slide app

We played math slide.  I like to play math games because they are fun  It is hard to beat people because other people are really smart.  It is hard because people put their fingers all over the screen.   Turei, Brooklyn W and I were having fun. Turei won 1 and Brooklyn W won 5 times.
By Charlie


iwritewords app

This morning I played on the ipad. We were  playing iwritewords app!  We were learning to write letters.  I like it because it has a crab. 
By Jayden

Friday 2 August 2013

Writers of the Week

We wrote letters to Greenpeace, like Emily did in the story 'Dear Greenpeace, about imaginary animals we found at our house.

31 July 2013

Dear Greenpeace

You will not believe what I found in my backyard.  I found a deer.  I love it when birds land on his antlers and when he pushes the swing and every once in a while he will do a trick.  I will call him Singer because when he walks he makes a rhythm.  I was really happy when he put water in his mouth and squirted water up and the water fell on me. 

One month later, I saw him snuggling with the dog and it was really cute.  The other days I was without him and he was gone forever.

Can you send me some information on deer?

From Daniel

31 July 2013

Dear Greenpeace

Today I found a brown bear sleeping in my bed.  The brown bear has brown fur and sharp teeth.  It also has sharp paws.  His name is Growly because he growls a lot.  I secretly went to the kitchen and got some sausages to share with the bear. 

After that we played hide and seek.  When Growly hid he made lots of noise so I could find him easily.

Greenpeace, I would like to know where the brown bear lives. 

From Shabrin